The Crosswicks Community Association announces its Annual Citizenship Award
The CCA is continuing its sponsorship of a $750 Citizenship Award to a graduating senior who resides in Chesterfield.
This award is open to all seniors regardless of academic institution. The student may attend Northern Burlington Co. Regional High School, a private school, or be home-schooled. The purpose of the award is to recognize a student who shows a special concern for others. Several paragraphs describing how their actions benefited others are required. These actions may have been undertaken as an individual or as a member of a group (Scouts, school organizations, etc.) Essays will be evaluated by the services the student provided (60%) and the writing technique (40%). One or two sentences about future plans would be appreciated. Northern Burlington seniors must submit their essays through the school's counseling office by April 17, 2023. Other submissions must be emailed to the CCA ([email protected]) no later than April 20, 2023. Questions can be addressed to[email protected].